Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Sync diesel generator with solar grid inverters - during Islanding condition

Abstract: As mentioned in my previous blog on solar grid interactive inverters, there are various issues involved with solar grid inverter for Indian conditions. Now in this blog I will be discussing more about the issues and methods to integrate/synchronize a grid connected inverter with diesel generator during a power cut/grid failure. In states like Tamil Nadu we have power-cuts every day, so the solar rooftop owner will try to consume all the power generated from solar and reduce its dependence on diesel generators.

The inverters do not start without the reference voltage and frequency, so during this islanding condition the rooftops owners cannot use their solar power generated. The owners usually consider solar as a backup for power cuts and also consider payback by selling excess generated. Now the only solution in the market is the hybrid inverters, but these are very expensive compared to normal grid inverters. But what about installations with existing grid inverters? Most of the rooftop owners are not aware of these islanding conditions and the EPC vendors just install existing grid inverters without any alteration proposed below.

What I propose here is, the grid inverters needs to be connected to a common bus bar. In the common Bus-bar all the sources and loads are connected. During the islanding condition the DG switch ON to generate reference voltage and frequency to start up the solar grid inverters (we fool the inverters here). Once the inverter is ON the load will be supplied by both inverter and DG sets (at low RPM). Is it practically possible to synchronize a grid tie inverter with a diesel generator (DG sets) and make it work? ie. during a power failure, when grid power is not available.

I feel its possible only under the following condition's 
  • We have a stable/good quality generator which gives good stable voltage and frequency. 
  • The other condition is the generator should not sag, dip or create any surge current when the inverter turns ON. 
Lets now consider that the inverter has turned ON using the DG sets reference voltage and current. I see two possible conditions now,
  1. The load is always more than the PV generator supply
  2. Possibility that load can be less than PV generator supply
During the condition 1, i do not see any issues if everything works fine. 
But during the condition 2, the power generated from PV will be greater than the load requirements and hence there is a possibility that this current will be fed to the ac line of of the bus bar / DG sets (stator of DG sets). What will happen during this condition? We can expect a rise in AC voltage and frequency- above critical level. If this happens, this condition can trip the inverter due to over-voltage/frequency protection circuits. Now the rooftop owner cannot consume power from the solar and therefore he is forced to operate the DG sets. This condition can also damage the vital parts of the generator, here the protection of generators become very important. 

How to custom design the distribution panel board to use the solar generator during the condition 2 and also protect the DG sets? I also foresee very high requirement of a effective control system, which can handle all the above and below conditions

- Using a dump load to remove the excess power generated. 
- Effective control of loads  (To increase or decrease the load as per requirements using PLC based controls) 

I can also see that there will be no commercial benefit in running a generator just for reference voltage and current. This is because when we operate the DG sets running at lower efficiency (20-30%) or less than its rated value can consume more fuel than during rated power (ie. 85-100% efficiency). This can be solved by using a smaller DG sets (Just for the emergency load) than the required full load size, but the disadvantage is during power failure in the evenings or night.


  1. How to custom design the distribution panel board to use the solar generator during the condition 2 and also protect the DG sets? I also foresee very high requirement of a effective control system, which can handle all the above and below conditions

    - Using a dump load to remove the excess power generated.
    - Effective control of loads (To increase or decrease the load as per requirements using PLC based controls)

    Can you please elaborate these two possiblities in details.

    1. Dear Sir,

      We have Solar DG Set Hybrid solution in DEIF, please visit our website link, we have around 70 sites in india for reference which is live and running. PLC has its own draw back any minor changes at site requires an PLC enginer to visit site with our system it is scale able, easy to commission at site since our system interface has been achieved by most of the inverter.

    2. Please follow below link for complete details on Zero export device, which help to design PV Plant with DG SET

  2. We also need to consider the capacity ratio between Dicess PV currentesel Generator (DG) and PV Plant. As we all know grid is considered as unlimited bus, but DG is a finite bus. Therefore as per practical experience, PV Plant size should not exceed 50% of the DG capacity.

    Excess PV power (when load is less than PV generated power)cannot flow to DG set if we put reverse protection relay between Inverter & DG set.

    1. what will happen if we put reverse power relay?. Weather it will shut down DG or it will not allow the reverse power to DG?

    2. Raw RPPR will shut down solar plant in case of power flow to DG set.

      More important aspect: under no circumstance should the power get exported to grid... hence custom design of the Distribution Panel should primarily take this into consideration.

    3. Please follow below link for complete details on Zero export device, which help to design PV Plant with DG SET

  3. When the DG starts it does not start at 50Hz and it takes time to run on a constant frequency of 50HZ. The inverter should be selected in such a way that it can handle the drop and rise of frequency. As most inverters in the market are designed only to handle highs and lows of grid than DGs. I would prefer to give a delay circuit for 2mins before the syn. with the inverter.

  4. Hello Rex,

    Thanks for your inputs and your interest in this article. I guess most of the GT inverters in the market start only when the grid frequency and voltage is stable at least for 1-5min (checked with Inverter manufacturers). So i see no problem in this. Latest high quality diesel generators in the market has the capability to work exactly like Grid, so i see no issues with the DG sets too.

  5. Hello CareyGlass Solar,

    Thanks for your inputs. Yes you are right regarding the reverse current relays, these are very useful in finding the reverse current entering the stator part of the generator. I have been continuously working on this topic since my post on Jan 2nd (almost a month now), i have a updated paper on this topic which has been sent for publishing (this includes the concept of reverse current relays).

    I will share my finished article here once it is published in the magazine. Thanks again for you useful comments and your interest.

    Giridaran Srinivasan

    1. Hi sir I've been studying reverse power relay for a long time for Grid Tie inverter application I'm looking forward for your released article

      Engr. Nodsmil Sescar

    2. Please follow below link for complete details on Zero export device, which help to design PV Plant with DG SET

  6. Giridharan,
    I am working on a similar system in India in mumbai ..can't give out company name on a blog ...can you get in touch with me at



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  8. Amit Sakariya from Navkalp groups hear i give u asuggestion to replace the generator with installation off solar hybrid system..our system is contineously 24 hours working in gujrat state 2kva off grid reduce your capital investment in generator & life time relise with diesel..

  9. plz visit the site

  10. A diesel generator is the combination of a diesel engine with an electrical generator to generate electric energy. Diesel generators are mostly used without connection to the power grid or even as a standby power-supply in case of grid failure. Small portable diesel generators range from about 1kVA to 10kVA, while the larger industrial generators can range from 8kVA - 30kVA for homes, small shops & offices up to 2000kVA used for large office complexes, factories. Sizes up to about 5 MW are used for small power stations and these may use from one to 20 units. These generators are widely used not only for emergency power, but also many have a secondary function of feeding power to utility grids either during peak periods, or periods when there is a shortage of large power generators.

  11. i like your post its very informative. keep sahring more.
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  12. Can someone help me to note the limitations of the Grid tie system synchronisation with Diesel Genset power ? My points are..
    1. Sizing point of view what is best one ? 1:1:1 or 1/2:1:1 OR1:1/2:1 OR 1:1/2:1/2 FOR PV:DIESEL:LOAD ????
    2. Which is the most economical method for controlling the most efficient ratio of DG:PV ?
    3. What is the protections required other than Reverse Power protection relay between PV Inverter and DG ?
    4. How the Fuel saver controller can help to save the diesel as claimed by few reputed companies when the DG Sets are operating below its most efficient operating point?
    5. What is the minimum size of PV Diesel Hybrid system be efficient and benefitial? i mean, can we go for small domestic DG set or it is benefitial at Industrial applications with bigger DG sets?
    Please reply.

    1. Hello Sunil,

      Nice to see you here. Please refer my latest blog on DG here. It will answer most of your questions.

      Giridaran Srinivasan

  13. Very well written story. It will be beneficial to anybody who employs it, including me. Keep doing what you are doing – looking forward to more posts.
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  15. hi, giridhar.. we have the same problem whenever we combine the solar with DG.. its frequecy gets varied when the solar generates its output.. is there is any synchronising relay for merge the both DG & solar generated voltages to get the output.. if it is possible means pls suggest the type & capacity of the relay.. our solar power should be 100KW & DG is 200KW..

    1. Hello Vignesh,

      Thanks for your comments. I can see that the PV penetration is almost 50% of the DG capacity, so there can be some issues like you mentioned. Please get in touch with me directly for the solution.

      Giridaran Srinivasan
      +91-98847 27147

    2. We have found out the solution sir, we have 250 KVA DG set and 100 Kwp solar plant. What we did when load is less than 80KVA, we can shutdown inverter. WE HAVE under current sensor at load which will sense current below 100A, if load Current is Less Than 100A the inverter will shut down.If load more than 100A both DG GT will work together.

    3. Dear VC Patil, We use RPPR which trips the Solar plant MCCB in case of reverse power flow. Your scheme seems to be quite good and workable, but how do you shut the inverters? Is it thru' a PLC panel? Please share the details on guptaps at hotmail dot com

    4. Through relay which is connected series with inverter,

  16. Dear Giridaran

    Thanks for the article. It strengthen my belief that I can run my PV system on DG. I am doing a new setup at my unit in Gurgaon, Haryana of 6KW rooftop PV. And I am putting the new technology i.e. microinverters along with the panels (At least new for me). And I hope that once the mains is out and DG is ON, the panels would still give output. I have a 32.5KVA DG set and now with so many AC's, it becomes insufficient to support the load. Instead of upgrading the DG set and going the wrong way, I am hoping to use solar. Hope my plans work out.

    Any suggestions?



    1. Dear Sushant

      I am planning to put up a 1 MW solar plant on rooftop. Would like to speak with you and take benefit of your experience.


      Bimal 9811157677

  17. In scenario 2 ,you need to cut SPV Generation to reallu utilise the Solar o/p. the DG shall be on no load.
    or have a referencing inverter with battery back up facility and altogether do away with DG.

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  19. Good morning every one.
    one of our installation,5okw grid tied system installed but we r also facing same problem.If load exceeds its generation no problem but it is under the solar generation at generator synchronizing with solar.At he time the balance power definitely reverse flow to generator(160kva).we r heared that the generator capacity is 3 times greater than the reverse power there is no problem on that time.I am sure this information is works r,please help me in this email id is,9961029272

    1. Please follow below link for complete details on Zero export device, which help to design PV Plant with DG SET

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  22. Which company is making the interface device (PLC based controls) for dump load. If our total load (including Dump Load) load is less than PV Generation then how we can reduced our diesel consumption of DG. Can you brief us regarding to dump load (This Imaginary or real Load). I think connection of this PLC interface device will be on communication port of Grid- Tie PCU.


    1. Hi Mr. Raghavendra, dump loads (eg. heating loads) are generally employed in the electric grid of islands where to maintain the efficiency of the diesel generator under the light load conditions (as explained by Mr. Giridharan in the article that DG sets cannot be run on lesser loading conditions) are intentionally added into the grid. These dump loads are only switched on under this condition and not during the normal loading operation of the DG sets.
      Hope I have answered part of your query.

    2. Please follow below link for complete details on Zero export device, which help to design PV Plant with DG SET

  23. Dear Friends,
    Actually we are installed two numbers of 8KW system at same site in Hyderabad. One system is for common load, and another system is for 4th floor load. Presently we don't have that much load on common system(<2KVA) on day time, we are planning to synchronize this system with DG set(capacity: 30KVA) in the site. Is it ok to connect the system like above? If it is ok, can you please tell me how to synchronize the above system with DG set.

    1. Please follow below link for complete details on Zero export device, which help to design PV Plant with DG SET

  24. Sync diesel generator with solar grid inverters - during Islanding condition ...

  25. hello giridaran , I want to know the reason behind the installation of DG set of 50% capacity in PV connected on grid installation.

    1. Please follow below link for complete details on Zero export device, which help to design PV Plant with DG SET

  26. it is a good post i have this info and can train on the aspects

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  43. Hi friends..

    Please provide me the details about how to synchronize solar grid tie invert er with DG when grid fails. And also give details of service providers, who can make that type of control systems.

    Thank you

    1. Please follow below link for complete details on Zero export device, which help to design PV Plant with DG SET

  44. Hey there.
    Just wanted to know that we have a generator of 50KVa and PV On-Grid system of 25KW. What should be the minimum load on which we can synchrize the Genset with Inverter ?

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Update - 2019

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